I can play my VCD in stand-alone DVD/VCD player but cannot play it using my computer. Nor could I see the files under Windows Explorer. WHY is so and how can I view the files? Thanks,
Why can you not see the Files in windows explorer??? You should be able to just navigate to your CD Drive and look in the "MpegAV" folder and Play the "AVSEQ01.DAT" file useing Media Playeror better still WinDVD or PowerDVD...Try going to your CD drive and Right click it and go to "Explore" and then it should show the contents of the VCD...Good Luck
Thanks for your response. But I indeed cannot see anything (even any folder) at all. Maybe the VCD is encrypted (that's what the vendor says when I bought the VCD). However if I check the propertiy of the whole disk, Windows does report 400 or 500MB used disk space. Any idea?