shrink/nero problem or maybe driver, please help!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by kcole, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. kcole

    kcole Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Hi everyone. I appreciate any help you can give, I have been burning with Shrink 3.1 and Nero (the free one) for a while now. I also use DVD43 running in the background. I have had great success and would like to continue using these software programs. I am on XP.

    Lately, I have had a major SLOWING DOWN of the encoding and burning process. I used to be able to be online and doing other work while things were encoding and burning with no trouble, but now I cannot do anything else on the computer at the same time as I am using shrink and nero. I can't think of anything that I have changed since the slowing down began.

    Also, lately I have been having trouble during the analysing and encoding process. I keep getting errors (either cyclical redundancy or copy protection errors) this has never happened before. I get the same errors with many different dvds. Any suggestions? Thanks
  2. kcole

    kcole Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    oh yeah, one more problem. sometimes when it finally does work and i get a dvd burned, I still get a weird picture problem on the burned dvd. the pic gets all mixed up and sometimes the audio is garbled too. It seems to happen near the end of all the movies. any thoughts? thanks again
  3. Car.Mike

    Car.Mike Active member

    Jan 24, 2004
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    The slowing down is probably the computer putting the burner into PIO instead of DMA. Go to Device Manager and check the Secondary IDE Channel and see if it is in DMA MOde.

    Rule of thumb I use is I do not do anything while I am doing a DVD period. I turn off the cable modem and disable antivirus and screensaver and let it do the movie

    If you are using the New Version of Shrink you might have the quality setting set to do a 2 pass encode
    and this will increase the time it takes to do a movie.

    If you are getting those errors try DVDDecrypter to rip in file mode and then use Shrink and Nero.

    You last problem is because you are copying too close to the outer rim of the disk. Set Shrink to use 4400gb and use better quality blank media
  4. kcole

    kcole Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Thanks I'll try those suggestions.
  5. kcole

    kcole Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    Okay, I checked to make sure I am in DMA Mode per other instructions on this site. Both the primary and secondary say DMA if available. but the secondary says CURRENT TRANSFER MODE: PIO. this is not a hilighted box, so I can't change it. could this be my prob and what does it mean?

  6. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi kcole,

    What you might do is uninstall your drives and then reboot your PC. This will reset your drives back to DMA mode. When you have a certain number of errors, your PC sets itself to the PIO mode (I believe the number is 6). By "reinstalling your drives" your PC will set itself back to DMA.

    The rest of these suggestions should be considered anyway as it will cut down on the number of errors so that you won't have to go through this process periodically.

    While you're at it though - it doesn't hurt to check your Firmware to make sure it's up to date.

    Go here and at the bottom of the page download, "what's my Firmware" there are many firmware updates there also -

    Using the improved DVD Shrink instead of the 3.1 that you are using will suprise you with it's new quality settings.

    Also, to adjust your DVD size - Edit, preferences, target DVD size - set it to custom and type your size between 4260MB to 4300MB and here is the reason why -

    The difference of 4.7GB DVD and 4.36GB DVD -
    While the manufactures advertise the size of a DVD as a 4.7GB DVD disc it's not true. It's because they calculate what 1GB is differently. A DVD will hold 4700mb but that is not 4.7GB that is 4.38GB because 1GB is not 1000MB it is actually 1024MB. Manufacturers do this false advertising all the time so you think you are getting more than you are, They do it with Hard Drives also so if you buy a 200GB Hard Drive it isn't really 190GB it is actually more like 189GB. (I think that's closer) At any rate, we prefer to calculate the available writing space on a DVD as 4.36GB to include the reverse math and also provide a bit of room for overhead :)

    Once again, a 4.7 DVD disc can only hold 4.38 GB of information. The "Slide-rule types" will tell you that you should write to the limit of 4.36GB to allow for overhead. I like to adjustment the "Target size" to around 4260MB. It's not much difference but it will provide you with a little extra wiggle room and insure that you don't write to the very edge of your disc. The edge of the disc is the place where flaking sometimes occurs so that your movie might "stick" or "freeze" there. You will be able to actually see a tiny unburned ring around the outside of your next DVD.

    Recommended media would include Sony, RiData, Ritek G04's and Verbatim "DataLife". Not at "Pricey", but excellent quality -



    The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD.
    Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM.
    128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2004

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