this has already been gone over, Ive searched the forums and ended up with a bunk of good for nothing coasters. Thus being said im trying to burn music videos to DVD to be played on an xbox or dvd players. I download the music videos from with realplayer, it rips them into .flv, which I then convert into .mpg with SUPER, which plays fine in windows media player. I then attempt to burn it via nero 7 purchased verstion Video CD, it asks for a cd-r instead of dvd, doesnt work. Attempted to do it in a few other trial program, no avail. So all im seeking is a free program to simply toss mpeg onto dvd , any suggestions?
I'm not totally sure this is the answer to your problem, but let's give it a shot. I have in the past used Nero 7 burning rom (I believe) to put .avi onto a dvd disc and played fine in my desktop player. I have never tried .mpg with Nero. Does your conversion program allow you to convert your .flv to .avi type files? If nobody else responds, I will check exactly when I get home and report back as I can't run Nero at work... I think trying to do a Video CD is the root of your problems, I think you are just trying to use the wrong part of Nero to do what you want to do. Edit: from the main startsmart screen highlight Photo and Video, then select "Make you own DVD video" (third down in the right) instead of video CD. You should have no problems now, if you do post back.
Use DVD Flick to convert your .flv to a DVD complaint file and then burn the result with Imgburn.
DVD Flick is a solid program. I think you (Res2cue) are on the right track though with asking Nero to perform the wrong type of action.
Thanks for the info guys, the thing is im using nero 7 and when I go to the Photo and Video section my only options are Make Video CD, Make Super Video CD, Burn DVD-Video Files(Video_TS), -_- dont have that option you speak of, Ill try the other method listen, thanks
DVD flick > ISO + Nero = Sucess. Thanks to all for the help, if you want to continue w/ the struggle lol a new topic is up relating to menus
Glad it worked out for you...happy burning. I would add Imgburn to your repitoire as well. DVD Flick can auto burn with Imgburn when your files are completed. As for the menus, I don't use them and don't really want them so I'll leave that struggle to someone else.
I'm confused as to why he wouldn't have that option in his Nero 7. Is something like that special to the Ultra edition?
I think the option he needs is in Vision, but I think he is pulling up Nero Burning ROM. DVD Flick will handle the .flv file BTW, so you should be able to skip the SUPER step.