Hi, My sagem box accasionally freezes and the sound twitters, I was reading through the archives and one possible cause could be signal strength? ber- 0 snr-64359 sig 21588 Could a booster solve the problem and if so where is the best place to aquire one- are thet the same as normal tv sig boosters? Cheers. Dunx (newb)
Nah thats fine mate. My SNR is 62000 and i get all channels fine. Im not sure what image your using or if you have 2x or 1x? but try this Press dbox Button, Then goto settings, Then goto misc settings and turn HW-Sections use : off AVI-_Watchdog activate: on eNX-Watchdog activate: on PMT Update use: off Then press home then red button to save settings. For the next bit i am assuming you are using Commando 6 Next press Dbox button Then goto extras menu Set EMU to mgcamd, Set UCODE to 0014
@Dunxs1 It looks like the signal is a little bit too strong. A adjustable attenuator would be better then a booster.
I think it's sagem 1x ( looking through top grilles at front left corner?) commando 6 Cheers i'll look at those settings later, Thanx again. Dunx.
I had the same problem but the "chirping" sounds hvae now been fixed by using mgcamd. Try this, basically i think it has something to do with decoding the signal that's coming down the line. Other EMUs seem to have a problem with the decoding, possibly the key is out of sync? Mgcamd seems to be far more relyable in decoding the streamed signal.
mgcamd on a sagem 1x box is very stable.. as when I had evocamd had the odd freeze but since last weekend on mgcamd - not a problem at all.