has anyone bought any back ups from ritegames.com or any other back up games site ? i just want to know if the site is legit and if the games work thanks in advance *sorry for posting the first thread in the wrong place
Uh dude. Why would you pay for something that you couldn't even use on a normal i.e. non-moded XBOX™?? Is this illeagle? You can bet your left 'Maple Nut' on it! If you are to freaking cheap to shell out for a Game at retail at least get it from Blockbuster or someplace off the deep dark iNet shesh! I wouldn't pay someone for such a service. Not when there are other alternitves...
Ok then I shall do so now. To you first question: No I never heard of 'em till I came across this Thread. As to your second question. I guess I ought to ask what your definition of legit is. Because I have a feeling it might be at odds with yours. But if youre refering to a legit trade for cash. ??? See above If you ment legit in the way that I ment it then HELL NO! It's illeagle as Hell. I have better things to the to report this to M$ but, I hope that outfit gets shutdown faster then a Brothel in the middle of the Vatican!
you shouldnt even be asking this question and this thread should be closed and you should be booted off the forum for linking a pirated site to the forum. You actully didnt link it but you typed where it was and that in my opinion is against the rules.