POINT: with a batch program you can execute multiple commands, in any order you want, so a 100 commands could be executed by the just entering a simple word!!! Process: all the software required comes with windows although it may look like a tedious process, the creation of a batch file takes no more then 3-6 minutes, the guide includes every step so any level computer user can use it!! NOTE: the batch program i use as a example is both useful and harmless, i wasn't going to give you commands like "date" or something useless (through wireless adapter and Ethernet), the command ipconfig to my knowledge launchs on all windows version xp sp2 and below, vista has not been tested on yet (doesn't hurt to try) 1) You need to open the command prompt Go start Then go “Run…” A window will launch, run the following: “cmd” or “command” (cmd is short for command, enter either without “” quotes) A window will open looking the same or similar to, this is “The Command Prompt” 2) Enter the following into the command prompt, edit (desired name of batch program) .bat So the one am going to be entering into the prompt will be “edit test.bat” there should be a space between edit and the name of the program, once were done you will be able to launch the batch program by just typing it’s name, --------- 3) What you see bellow is what you should type into the prompt before hitting enter (of course "test" can be substituted by any other combination of letters) 4) Once your done with step 3 you will see the following window appear, we can call this the batch creation program/editor if you’d like 5) We are now going to create a batch program, this program will simply renew your ip released to you by your router/hub/any internet connect, this program is harmless and troubles caused by it can be reversed by a simple few clicks, 6) IF you know what your doing feel free to enter your commands here, from the order of first to be executed to second and so on, so enter your commands and skip to step 7 enter the following commands into the window “Ipconfig /all” – this will show all information regarding you internet connect “Pause” - a pause will launch text that looks as following It simply request that you hit any key to continue the execution , you can enter this command as many times as you wish, and none at all if you want “Ipconfig /release” – this command releases the ip... back to your router/hub/internet connection “Ipconfig /flushdns” - the ip cannot renewed without this step(it dumps or "flushs" the dns resolver cache) “Ipconfig /renew” – renews ip address “Exit”- this will close the command prompt without you requesting it to, it will do this once all operations designated in the batch program have been executed, this is optional just like the pause command 7) The finished product should like: Or will include the commands that you want to be listed, Now go FILE “Save As …” A sub window will pop up, here you can select a new name for you program, just end it with “.bat” example” “nameofprogram .bat”, here you can also select a new directory for the program to be saved to, I suggest you leave it to the default location When your done hit You will now be back at this screen. (it maybe blank, or contain the commands) file> exit 8) Congratulation your program has been created, you should have been returned back to the command prompt, execute your program with just its name NOT: YOU ONLY WANT TO ENTER THE NAME: ================== You can find commands here http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/ntcmds.mspx?mfr=true MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT THE COMMAND DOES BEFORE YOU EXECUTE IT!!!