I'm on windows 7 and looking for some decent but simple video editing software for dv avi. I tried windows live movie maker- and those are the types of simple features i'm looking for at the moment (easy timeline manipulation, adding text over video with options on fading it in/out + other transitions, adding images etc), but it seems like movie maker is pretty restrictive in the output. I only get wmv and it comes with a handful of pre-set output qualities that all seem to kill the quality of my captured video. I just want something where I can add these effects, and output without loosing any quality. THen when I'm done editing I'll use another program (or the same if it's good) to do whatever eoncoding/compression necessary to get it to fit on dvd. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks
Thanks for the reply. I looked into it more and found some other good software and also learned that if I'm gonna go with movie maker, ditch the windows live version and go back to the old one!