
Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by IhaveAtv, May 2, 2006.

  1. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    I know this is probably old and in the forums somewhere but i really need help to skin. Im not new to modding but skinning has had me confused for a while. To anyone who answers can you tell me the programs that i also need. Thanks

    P.s Any information is a help.

    P.s.s Can someone tell me how to use serenity cause ive mad a really good mod on insolence and cant apply it as i dont know how to use serenity. Thanks again.
  2. Xx1modxX

    Xx1modxX Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2006
  3. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2006
  4. Xx1modxX

    Xx1modxX Guest

    what do you mean did i do something against the rules if so please tell me becuase just saying EDIT isn't that clear
  5. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

    I edited my post.......
  6. Xx1modxX

    Xx1modxX Guest

    oh i thought you meant that i needed to edit something thanks for clearing that up
  7. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    @Xx1modxX thanks dude i just couldnt get serenity but you're tutorial help alot and for the skinning. I think it will take a lot longer than i expected cause it still seems hard.
    Last edited: May 3, 2006
  8. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Sorry Xx1modxX i know i must sound like a complete NOOB. But after reading your tutorial i had a go and it came up a error sign. This is exactly what i done. Went to serenity, clicked on the tab named apply and put in my patch in the patch field then i put my original map in my documents in the source field but now the confusing bit. I have no idea what to put in the last field where it says output map. So can you please tell me.
  9. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    I wouldn't mess around whith adding a new map........It is time consuming and too hard for beginners

    Just make a backup of the Original maps on your computer and patch the original map that is already on your HDD....No need to male a new map
  10. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    @tocool4u why will i need to add a map. Since youre a senior then can you tell me how to view a map in cordfinder so i can add spawn mods. Cause im sick of using other peoples mods.
  11. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    What is the difference in being a Senior member......NONE a newbie can be just as smart as a Senior or Addict........

    But i said you don't need to Add a map to the Main Menue
    Oh and you have to get the Picture Map files that came with the cordfinder
  12. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Ok sorry for asuming that there is a diffrence between senior and newbie but im guessing the map views came with the cordfinder yes.
  13. Xx1modxX

    Xx1modxX Guest

    yes they do and if you find a tut or figure out how to use it because im new to it and kinda confused. i'll post anything that i figure about it that will help with using it i have xapien im not sure if it's the same thing. can you post where you got the download for cordfinder please
  14. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Xx1modxX a could send it to you just send me a private message with your MSN, YAHOO or AIM as i dont think theres anything in the forum rules that says you cant do that.

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