Hi, I'm using 1 click DVD and using anydvd to back up my movies. I am also using Sony DVD+R's for my blank disc. 1 Click is telling me the burn was successful. The problem is when I play my backuped disc in my DVD player it skips to the next sceen in the movie. I would be watching the movie like it had no issues and then it skips and keeps right on playing. This is starting to happen more and more. Can anyone help me with this so I can correct it. Oh my DVD players are Sony also. Thanks D
Make sure your firmware is up to date for your burner, don't burn over 8X until the problem is fixed. Blow out your drive with some canned air and try another brand of media such as Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.
Right click on your little red fox icon and go to settings -> drives -> selection and tell us the make and model of your drive and the firmware you are currently using and we can help you find an update if there is one available. Here is what mine looks like: NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A 1.W9 06020900BT-LIGGY
The good news is that there is a firmware update for your burner....the bad news is it's four years old. http://etna.rpc1.org/samsung/index.html You want the Dell F311....read all instructions carefully as a bad flash can fry your drive, so proceed with caution.