Hi Folks, I have a standard sky+ box and I find that I reach the hard disk capacity rather quickly. I'm constantly having to delete stuff so its a real pain if there is a film I want to keep. Half of the problem is the wife. The amount of crap she puts in on series link is unbelivable! I have thought about getting a new wife but I think it would work out cheaper to upgrade the hard drive. Does anybody know how to do this? Is there a particular drive that I would need to purchase or would any make do? Many thanks in anticipation. Neil.
Excellent. Thanks for the help. I will let you know how I get on. Have you followed this procedure? Neil
Don't do it mate. Been there, tried that lost 50% (80GB) of my kept stuff after upgrading. The ever-lasting "System Fault" problem happened. Boo hoo, lost 20 episodes of South Park (amongst a lot of other stuff). Sky+ doesn't like to keep stuff, just watch and delete like you have been. Buy it on DVD if you like it. It was a Maxtor Diamondmax 10 (D10)160GB. I did order a Diamondmax 9 (D9) as I read this had lower power consumption and also read that the D10 didn't perform as well with Sky+. If you can get your hands on a D9 it might be ok. Got my old 40GB Maxtor working in it again, so far its still ok. Put the D10 in my PC, better used for DVD backups.
I have upgraded using these instructions several months ago and it has been fine. From reading various pages on the subject it seems that only Maxtor drives seem to work.
Use a Samsung Spinpoint drive if your box is an Amstrad. The Maxtors give problems in them. I've had no problems. Try going here for an excellent how to site. http://www.humvee.co.uk/sky.htm It's really easy.
I have a Pace 3100 (v2) box and recently bought a pre-prepared 250GB Sky+ drive upgrade kit from XtendedPlay: http://www.xtendedplay.co.uk/sky-hard-disk-upgrade-kit-250gb-drive-p-47.html The upgrade kit came with good instructions and the correct screw driver/wrench to do the work. They also configure up the acoustic management on the drive for you, so there's no need to mess around with your PC. I highly recommended them...
footman, there's a website that is VERY popular with Sky customers in the UK. Although AfterDawn's forum is fantastic, there is a lot more info available there as it's used by those who are interested in this kind of thing. I'll PM you the details if you want as I don't want to 'advertise' (even though it's free) another forum. I'm not saying these forums are bad, it's different from this forum.
The best thing to do if youre not sure is get a dvd recorder and copy anything you want to save to that.Saves all the hassle and you wont lose anything from a disc,this is the way i do it.
This is just about the best guide. It will lead to all sorts of nice places. http://forum.digitalspy.co.uk/board/showthread.php?t=156344
yeah.. and here's another Sky+ upgrade guide at: http://www.dvrforum.net/sky-pvr/41-sky-hard-disk-upgrade-faq-dvrforum-net.html
Hi Ellis, how do you copy onto DVD - do you need to turn the TV on and record from the "screen" or can you record without the TV on? Thanks...Keith