Hi is anyone else having problems with the movie channels? I've tried deleting them all, then manually getting them back but i just get the virgin screen telling me to put in pin. Any advice would be great Thanks
forget to say i have a starview box with 257e software. Every other channel is fine and i'm in the north west
if you have a starview box you should be looking for the following channels you donot need to enter a pin to watch S*Y Prem Hid S*Y Prem1 Hid S*Y Sfi Hor Hid S*YClasHid S*Y Mod Hid S*Y Family S*Y Dram Hid S*Y Act Hid S*Y Com Hid S*Y Ind Hid S*Y Prem Hid - starts at 4pm S*Y Prem1 Hid - starts at 5pm S*Y Sfi Hor Hid - starts at 11am or at 12 noon