slayer' v2.5

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by ds_dude, Dec 6, 2008.

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  1. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    i have a modded xbox with slayer's v 2.5 which i payed some one to do for me ( from an auto install disc ) . Now my problem is i can not get the roms onto the hard drive i have tryed burning them onto a disc with and with out the zip file ( on seperate discs). I dont know wat ftp file is and where i can get it and how much it costs . i have looked in my xbox and found some information to try and give you a better chance on helping me it is as follows .......

    slayer's evox
    slayer v 2.5
    evolutionx v43935
    bios evox m8
    kernel 1.00.5838.01
    c drive 319.766.528 << is ( i think how mutch space is left in that drive at lest it looks as if its a drive )
    e drive
    f drive 0 ( whan i go in to averlanch is says this drive has an error )
    g drive 0
    x drive 786.300.928
    y drive 786.300.928
    z drive 786.300.928

    and the emulators are

    super nintendo entertainment system
    surreal 64

    hopefully i have got the spellings right and all the right information for you to try and help me with this problem fell free to ask me any questions if your haveing truble with any of the information/spellings
    p.s i wish some one would write a full guide on how and where to put roms and emus on xbox
  2. S10MAN

    S10MAN Member

    Nov 21, 2008
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  3. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    thanks ill have alook and giv it a try ( iv never done this befor so i hope i dont *bleep* it up lol )
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Foul language removed, Forum Rules are in my signature.
  5. cvick14tx

    cvick14tx Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Since you have a softmod, do what S10MAN said or just
    use XBMC to find your PC and download them from your PC
    to the correct folders metioned above. :)
  6. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    hi again i have a new problem iv been looking all over the net and cant seem to find the help my F drive has a error ( thats all the info it tells me ) and the file system ( thats all the files when your in the xbox's hdd ) is all over the place what can i do to resolve this stupid problem do i have to try and sort it out and fix it or do i just format the slayer off the hdd and replace it with a newer verion ( if so what is the best one out there and can your get it for free as i dont have a credit/ debit card or money )
    and sorry for bringin up a dead thred
  7. varnull

    varnull Guest

    EVERYTHING XBOX SOFTWARE IS FREE.. so forget dealing with the scammers.

    Now.. your F has an error.. if it's still a stock drive it will only be small and you have probably filled it up.. it only takes one retail game.

    You need to learn to ftp to the box.. there are literally hundreds of guide scattered about with how to do that.. and everything else as well.

    It's a softmod?.. if so slayers isn't what has been used.. you just have evox installed.. so don't under any circumstances mess with any files on C: or E/dash.. you can have a go at formatting F:.. but touching e or c WILL mess everything up in a way that you will have a very hard time recovering from.
  8. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    i have a word doc with how to ftp plus i got my brother inlaw to do it for me and i dont have a game on there only save data the ms dash and slayer thats it no music no photos nothing so it cant be full is there any thing elce you could recomend ?
  9. varnull

    varnull Guest

    F can be full.. or not formatted.. or even on a 1.0 or 1.1 non-existent due to the hdd being only 8.4 gigs and/or not enabled in the dash XD .. hahaha
    a softmod has a full set of C fies backed up on E.. that takes a good 500mb's or so

    try formatting F

    Anything else I can suggest.. yeah.. how about reading some of the many many stickies?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2008
  10. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    and i have one for you try reading the thread. I have said i have looked all over the net for the info ( what typ of homosapion are you !!! )
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Now now...

    You'll even find one of the main stickies has detailed softmodding notes added by my good self ie until just over a year ago i was an xbox noob and all i did was read a few stickies by 'chunkhead' and i was up and running overnight. I've since done a few more xboxes and updating them is usually a doddle now.
  12. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    hey iv been thinking and now i have made my mined up but i need reashurence first befor i make my xbox into a brick this is every thing i can remember about my xbox its 1.4/1.6 with a modd chip ( dont know wich one but it has a few lights on the bottem lefthand side on the frunt and i can turn off the chip protector so i can do some updaites if i want ) my bios are (i think its evox ) m8 i did have the slayer 2.5 but i moved the file from there original place and it wont work but i want to change it any way so hear are my questions and please dont mone if this is in the wrong place to put them i will move them to the right place if they are but i put this hear because i have questions to do with a range of the info you have gave out

    1st i want to change my hdd from stock hdd to a 40gb hdd and i wanted to know do i have to make eeprom reader ( if have the chip )

    2nd will aid/slayer 2.7 install every thing i will need to install and to get it working ( im going to get the auto install delux so sergestions are welcome ) if there is something out there with better fets then please recomend with what i will need to get it working perfectly please

    3rd if aid will not what do i need to get this working ( again )

    4th what disk is recomended to burn on to so my xbox will work

    5th do i have to ftp any thing if its only for my game saves then i dont care about them ( i will have more fun getting back to that piont again )

    6th for the program you can recomend ( like aid or slayer 2.7 ) could you point me to a guide on how to install them please

    7th i have the roms ( a lot over 3 gigs worth ) do i just put them in with the file where the emu's are or a seperate file ?
    and that it i think if i have more then i will do the right thing and add them to this threade thank you for your time and please help me out guys and iv past your help guide to all my friend chunk hope you dont mind dude and i DID NOT INSTALL THE CHIP NORE THE SLAYER I HAD SOME ONE DO IT FOR ME
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  13. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    more then 2 months has passed between now and your original post... and you still haven't figured stuff out.... you are indeed a newbie and a real slow learner.... but here we go:

    go get yourself the aid 4.3x (not sure what the latest version is) disc (dvd), it has 4+ gig of apps and stuff on it. all programs you (may ever) need will be on that disc. the slayer (2.7) is very good (i myself use that) but has less programs on it (for me that is oke, since i ftp stuff over).

    you have a chip in it, that is good. it has 2 advantages which will make it easier for you to upgrade to a larger hdd. which chip you actually have doesn't matter. namely, if you boot of your chip the aid / slayer disc will boot automatically (the first advantage of the modchip).

    meaning, put the slayer disc into the dvd drive and reboot your xbox so that it boots of your modchip!!!!

    how to prepare your new drive?
    take out (of your xbox) the old hdd (stock 8gig), put in the new hdd (40 gig). then boot the dvd (aid) or cd (slayer) OF YOUR CHIP. then (referring to the slayer 2.7 disc i use) choose the option to build an upgraded hdd. the disc will format the hdd and put all the files there where they are suppose to be. the slayer has all the apps (avalaunch, xbmc and some emulators). then choose your primary startup dash and your good to go. keep in mind that the slayer disc will only work as long as you boot of your chip. if you do not boot of your chip, after preparing your hdd with slayer, it will boot into the ms dash!

    for the aid disc, i assume something similar goes. but maybe that has an option to install a softmod install on your xbox, if so (a softmod install i mean) it should work both of the modchip and ms bios. but maybe someone else who knows the content of aid can elaborate on that...... but the slayer disc install will only work as long as you boot of your chip every time!

    if you have a chip, you do not have to lock your harddrive to your eeprom (the second advantage of the modchip). but if you boot of the original ms bios, the hdd has to be locked to your eeprom. with slayer/aid you have an option to lock your hdd. no need for the eeprom reader, your modchip will read out the eeprom and lock your hdd to your eeprom!

    the aid disc i do not use, but there are tons of apps and emulators on there. if you want a lot of programs, go get that disc (Around 4.5 gig). slayer is around 650 mb, so using bittorrent you will get that faster.

    for the roms, doesn't really matter where you put it (at least the emulators i play/use). i play snes games, and the snes emulator doesn't care where the snes roms are. within the snes emulator you can browse to the directory where the roms are.

    go learn how to use ftp, it is so simple. any half-brain peanut can get that to work and it is almost a must to put files over to your xbox.

    a good dvd media are the arita and platinum dvd's! both plus and minus work for me on all drives (philips, samsung and the thomson!!) same for philips 4 speed CDRW (which i use for the slayer disc)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  14. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    oh thank you thats all i wanted and yeh i know im a slow learnere although i already know how to ftp and so all i need to do with the hdd is wope it cleen then plug it in and install the data thanks ( thats easyer than i thought )
  15. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    ftp'en was the hardest thing to get your head around.

    btw. not all hard drives are lockable. i myself bought around 10 or someting like drive with 40 gig capacity. and guess what, that is the really small proportion that is not lockable.... so if your drive isn't lockable either, don't bother with locking the drive (will not work) and always boot of the chip (that way the drive does not have to be locked)!!!

  16. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    ok im gonna boot from the chip from whjat i just read it looks easyer than trying to buld a eeprom reader and my new hdd it locked at the moment ( i riped it out of a old pc from my friend ) i do have a guide on how to set it up
  17. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    if you take out a harddrive out a computer (not a xbox), the harddrive isn't locked.... pc's don't make use of locked harddrives, only xbox do by demanding that it is locked to the eeprom..... pc's don't work that way... no need to unlock a pc drive that isn't locked to begin with.
    so in your case, no need to build the eeprom reader. it has no use in your case.
  18. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    thank you so if i get this right all i do now is rip out the hdd from the box and put the new one in and burn the aid ( iv desided to go for aid now it has more apps plus its time for a change ) on to a dvd disk ( will dvd rw be fine ) and follow what it says to install it and get my xbox back up and running
  19. dennisv9

    dennisv9 Regular member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    that is all that you have to do.....
    dvdrw... might or might not work, some drives are picky, some drives aren't able to read some types of dvdrw. just burn it and try if your dvd drive likes the media.
  20. ds_dude

    ds_dude Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    ok ill give it a try and i take it you have done this befor then ? and thank you for the reashurence ( if its spelt like that ) as soon as i get aid then i will be geting straight onto it thank you
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