Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by T33B4G, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. T33B4G

    T33B4G Guest

    OK you guys,I might have a solution already but just for a backup plan I'm still going to post this because I'm not 100% sure.

    Instead of just explaining my situation I'll make a list of the problems I have.

    - I have no dashboard on my xbox(unleashed,evox,M$)nothing at all
    - There is no xbox live on my xbox but I can still pay games
    - I have the SLAYER's_EVOX_AUTOINSTALLER on my computer but i have no idea how to get it on my xbox(I have dvd-r's and a program to burn dvd's but it wont let me put it on the dvd-r)

    SOZ,if you have any suggestions or any questions just leave the comments.......yea
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    well, i would burn slayer 2.7 to a DVD-R, if you have slayer 2.6 then go get 2.7 Final instead as it is newer.

    this will of course only work if your Xbox plays copied games already and not just retail games.

    Then you can use Slayer to format the drive (large or retail) and start with a clean slate. Then install EvoX on your C: partition and any other dashboards and apps you install on E: or F: (depends which has the most space, mine was F: when using Slayer 2.6)

    now since i already had the MS dash i do not know if it is on the slayer disc or not. If not you may be able to get a copy at Xbins
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007

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