I recently bought a DS in Hong Kong and I got a 1 Gig ROM cartridge / flash card in slot 1 with it. This is working great. Does anyone know how I can add more games onto this cartridge? It does not fit in to any of my card readers! Sorry if this seems a stupid question as I am a newbie to this?
Paddy1, Before one gets ahead of any other, what kind of slot-1 device do you have? Does it use a micro-SD card? If so, perhaps you need an adapter?
Thanks for your reply. No - it does not have a SD card - it is just like a normal game cartridge with lots games already on it! any ideas, what it is ?
consider this, Paddy.... ..The adapter for this: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10159 . or the adapter for this: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2069 . .....might solve your problem. i dont know where you might be able to buy the adapter 'without' buying the card though.
I was in Oz for Xmas, I bought a DS and we found a guy selling DS Firecards c/w adaptor. He also gave me a website to download NDS games from, 1800 games including all the latest releases ! I cannot find a supplier in the UK or Ireland, any ideas !