i dont know wat happened but my laptop HP has gotten very slow for the past2 days.think something with harddrives or something went wrong..if any of u guyys know the solution plz let me knwo.
thanks in future i ll use this.somehow i messed with tune up utilities and then later the boot up is normal..thanks tho i mite use it in future.
bootvis is supposed to be built into XP, but I have used it a time to help things alone. It helps sometimes.
My fualt. Bootvis was a tool that MS used to learn where the hang ups where located. Even though XP is suppose to do this itself, bootvis does still help out.
Start > run > "msconfig" then go to start up. Try to remove useless programs that you don't really use (ex. a printer software or something that you dont use usually) because the icons in your system tray decrease the speed of your pc =/ .
yea.i did the printer one earlier..but how i do i know which ones r useful and which ones rnt..apart from the very obvious ones.i cant tell with their names.anyway my boot is now normal.just want to know it.thanls