Hi all, I am a relative newbie to both this forum and to the world of DVD burning so please excuse any stupid questions I may be asking that may have realtivl simple answers. I have just purchased a the NEC ND3500 dvd writer which boasts speeds of 16x to DVD+/- media and 4x speeds to dual layer media. However I have burnt around 10 disks now with Nero 6 and they all have taken about 30mins to write 4GB of data from the HD. (using bulkpaq 8x orange top disks) When speaking to a friend with a 8x writer he was surprised that it was taking this long and said that something was wrong. So I am coming here to ask for suggestions as to why my drive may be taking so long??
Have you got 2 optical drives on the same ide cable as that can slow things down a bit. Also i'd advise you to shut all running programs down when you burn as this can slow things down
It might be disc compatibility issue. I suspect your bulkpaq is not on the list. Try princo, ridata, ty, verbatim.