I have a SONY DRU500A Drive. I have upgraded to firmware 2.0. It shows that I am burning at 4X but it takes about 55-60 Minutes to burn one complete DVD (4.3 Gigs). I am backing up a DVD (original in DVD drive and Blank in burner.) Can someone please help. I have tried the PIO thing and DMA settings. No Luck. My hardware is as follows. AMD 1800+ 256MB Ram 120GIG HD DRU500A & DVD Drive hooked up together to one IDE port on MOtherboard Sony - DRU - MAster DVD - Slave
It's most likely your data transfer speed, you drive can only write as fast as the computer can transmit the data to the writer. Not really sure what you can do about this though, but it's not advisable to write DVD's at 4x anyway, there seems to be more mistakes on DVD's when you write at anything over 2.4x, that's what I've found out myself and what I've seen on these forums. Hope this helps, at least a little anyway. ~Brian~
Or the fact the Sony is crap!! Sorry, i know its not crap, just pissed off because they wanted to charge me £105 just to show me how to set up my projector for Componet Video connection - took 30secs. I walked out without paying. Bastards Sony. They can suck my......