I am experiencing this problem ever since i have upgraded my computer...I think its mainly due to my new sata hdd i have installed. My new config is- 2.8Ghz Celeron-D,1Gb RAM,160Gb HDD The problem i am facing is that it takes a lot of time for my pc to load with security apps which were earlier doing well with my 1.7 Celeron,512mb ram computer... Some of the apps like zonealarm suite,nis-2006 take a long-time to load at start-up on my new pc...which were earlier causing no slow-ups.. Even nod32 and kav takes a little longer time than before... In my earlier pc i had that samsung hdd and i now have this sata hdd.... What i wanna know is that can sata drives cause slowness?? i am saying this because i had to replace my hdd on my computer earlier this yr cause the sata drive was forming bad-sectors and this new one is causing me immense problem with slow-start-ups... Right now i am forced to use either of avast/avg so that pc loads properly... Edit/Delete Message
you can make it faster by tweaking the msconfig. For more info please post this question at http://www.i'manidiot.com edited by ddp which is a newly built computer forum site. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
Have you installed Both ZA and NIS? You must never install two separate antivirus software (I'm assuming that the ZA suite has an antivirus), as they will conflict for sure. Both of them will try to scan each file that you access, and horribly blog down speeds.
do this > Start > Run > "msconfig" > Startup then disable all unecessary programs. my hp a805n is having the same problem what i did is that i disabled my internet connection then i did samething as above (Start > Run > "msconfig" > Startup then disable all unecessary programs.) then i disabled all programs > restarted my computer (you will see it wont lag as much as before) and finally i enabled all my necessary applications