Smart Ripper and Region 3??

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gwaring, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. gwaring

    gwaring Guest

    I have had no problems with ripping and burning DVDs with Smartripper and WinDvdCopy.
    Now I desire to pay a region 3 DVD on my stand alone player and I got an "incorrect region" error. Sooo, I [1]assumed[/i] ripping it with SmartRipper and burning it would resolve the problem, it didnt.
    Is there anyway I can burn a Region 3 into a region 1?

  2. whassup

    whassup Regular member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    After ripping with SmartRipper, run it through DVDShrink. You don't need to compress but you can "select" the Region(s) for the new back-up.

  3. gwaring

    gwaring Guest

    What exactly to I run thru DVDshrink. THe Video_ts files??
    SmartRipper has a check mark for region free as well.

    Also, the DVD also says DVD9 on the front, so pershaps Im incorrect to even say it is regin 3.

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