I couldn't find my old thread, so I have to start a new one. Today is day 100 of being completely smoke free after 38 years of smoking those damned sticks. I feel good.
Nice one buddy. I have mad respect for what you are doing & admire your dedication. How many cigarettes is that? Must have saved you a small fortune already
You should feel good GrandpaBW, very well done to you, day 100 is very good, infact ts amazing after 38 years of smoking, keep it up and good luck
Congratulations GrandpaBW! I'm going to hold you up as my inspiration because I'm quitting on May 31st when I move into my new place. I don't ever want to paint those nasty yellow walls and ceilings again; it's disgusting. You're my "role model" GrandPa!!
Thanks, guys. It has been quite the ride, and the ride is not finished yet. @Lethal: 7,000 less cigarettes have gone through my system. It is really scary when you think about it. That is a bunch of nicotine.
yeah , congratulation GrandpaBW you acomplished something i've been trying for years! I begun smoking about ten years ago, and since 2 years i've been meaning to quit, and i succeded for a month or so, but then relapsed!!! I just can't find the patience and will to stick with it !! but hey , I'm happy for you ! Respect ! retro
@GrandpaBW Congrats on the 100 days of being smoke free! One day hopefully I can do the same (though actually trying to quit would help for me)! @gerry1 Good luck on your resolution for 5/31!
Keep up the good work. Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be 7 weeks for me, But I was using (Copenhagen) Chewing tobacco for over 15 years. I have been succesfully using the nicotine patch, And have started using step 2 (14mg) for a week now. My motivation is for my children and family, It has been easier than I expected so far. Good luck everyone I wish you all the best!
Thanks Retro, and Binkie. @gerry1: I'm here for you, when you quit. You will beat the demons. They are the worst for the first month, but they can be beaten, if you want them to be. @Jizmack: What you have done so far, is more impressive than what I have done. The Commit lozenges that I have been using, don't work for snuff folks. Congratulations on the 7 weeks, and some damned hearty high fives to you, sir!
@GrandpaBW do you still get the cravings? I've chewed cope and smoked (not at the same time but interchangably) for about seven years. Each time I try to quit I get these nasty nasty stomach aches. I can't take em and as soon as I have a dip or a smoke they go away.. Another thing thats hard is I really like to smoke when I drink and well, I sorta live in a party house so theres always drinking...
yay!! congradulations Grandpa!! hah...grandpa....feels weird calling ya grampa..haa.....ang good job Gerry and keep trying retro! and awesome Jizmak! arg.....i just haveteh say.....smoking is disgusting...and i dont even care if i insulted anyone there.... =pepsimaxx=
Thanks, Pepsi. RoNin, I have not had real cravings in a month or more. But, there are circumstances that I would have thought about lighting up, if the cigarettes had been here. You have to understand that it isn't always a craving that causes us to put a smoke in our mouths. Most of the time, it is habit.
I know it. For me its the Oral Fixation I think.. I eat, want a chew after, I drink, want to smoke (a lot). I'm gonna try again this summer.. I don't want to do it know as there is tooo much going on and I need my NIC!
@GrandPa...did you use anything like the gum or patches or did you go cold turkey? And congrats again! @Ireland: Is that sailor talk I hear bucco?