is there a way to snake without ur thumb getting sore? or am i doing something wrong? cuz i see people do it really good nad they do it through out the whole game is there like a trick to make the sparks go red right away...cuz it takes me a while to get them red..and by the time they're red i usually already difted to far to the side into the wall or then it takes for ever to get the i dont snake good cuz of is there an easier way to do it? cuz my thunb hurts after doing it so much and there are some people that go crazy on there..they like teleport back and forth and stuff and its really to u do that?
Not that I know of, hence why I ony snake if I really need to (i.e another person snakes first) I'm no where near as good as some snakers, but even I can keep snaking for a whole race if need be, just have to give my thumb a good rest and shake it around a bit before the next race. After 3-4 races i'd have to stop snaking for a while though. Just be quicker at moving left right left or vice versa on the d-pad, don't wait for a visual clue it's happening (the sparks) just get a feel of how much you have to do it. Thats lag, they have a crappy internet connection, also makes aiming shells at them a real pain - wish nintendo could kick them off WFC or at least put them against each other as it really ruins the enjoyment of the game when you think your winning and they just appear in front of you or you think they've gone off an edge when they havn't etc.
well i guess that was pretty simple.. well thank u !! now i know that im not the only one that gets a sore thumb
i have another question when people are snaking how come u can't see their sparks? is that they're so fast that u can't see the sparks?