I am having a problem using snemulds. This is what loads -=SNEmulDS 0.2 by archeide =-In itialize .. Init OK ... Please restart if stuck... Initialize FS... It just freezes there. Anyone else had or know how to remedy this problem? m3 mini SD Passcard 3 firmware v29 gamemanager v29
i dont think people have gotten it to work on their M3 mini SD. i know it works on the M3 CF, GBAMP, SC Lite, M3 SD, and G6(i think). it doesnt work on the MMD/MMP, and M3 mini SD. but if the M3 Mini SD is not the problem. then 1. put the snemulds0.2.nds on the card somewhere. 2. make a folder on the root of the card named SNES 3. put the .smc files in the SNES folder 4. remove special characters from the name of the game. EG. LoZ - A Link to The Past (E).smc | Loz A Link To The Past.smc
Tried renaming files...no help. I suppose it is just the mini SD that is the problem. I wish i could play snes games.