SNES emulaters for the R4DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by taker0, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. taker0

    taker0 Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Ive tryed a few emulaters for the r4 but they dont work, the program works but when i try to load the snes oor nes rom it some times just frezzes or just wont work. what am i doing wrong.

    can anyone suggest what program to use and the location to put it on my r4ds micro card?
  2. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    Try SnemulDS.
    This one is DLDI patched for M3DSS/R4.

    Just put in your games folder, though it really doesn't matter. What matters is where you put the snes games. Those must go in a folder called SNES.

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