But It's never all that simple, is it? Okay first off, I know what firmware I need to download. (2100@2500 patch found here:http://tdb.rpc1.org/#ND2100A) Then I need to install it. Simple enough. But when I run the .EXE, I get some kind of MS-DOS error and I can't update it. Any help?
"2100A to 2500A, Allows burning of -R media. Supplied as a binary. This is the 2500A 1.06 firmware patched to work on a 2100A, and includes RPC1 and Rip Lock patch. 2100 @ 2500 1.06"
Check out this site and scroll down to the comments section for ofbarea's feedback from Costa Rica,mentioning Dean & Liggy's: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters...&hddvdrom=&orderby=Name&hits=50&Search=Search There's a couple different NEC 2100A's. 1 being a Dell OEM drive and the other is the Fujitsu/Siemen's OEM drive-totally different firmware versions. Not sure if that'll have any affect on your particular drive and the the crossflashing.
I tried installing it again earlier, but I got the same DOS error as earlier. What do I do to get rid of it?