alot of dvds, well, most dvds cant be burned without taking out all the extra featuers, and sometimes the other languages and subtitles? and theres still more that cant be burned at all, even when you do that? is there wasy around this? i havent seen any, am i missing something or is it not all its cracked up to be?
you can copy a whole DVD with everything..... just depends what DVD it is and if it has heavy encryptions..... still you can make a direct copy onto a DL disk (if you have a DL burner and a DL blank disk) for a 1 to 1 copy of EVERYTHING! Depends what you want to do. most members want the movie only...... others want the whole disk, menus, extras, everything....... regardless there are programs that are available to do almost anything you want to!
Dvd Shrink or Dvd Decrypter lets your rip the dvds. Imgburn is a free program that lets your burn them to blank Dvds.
Bye DL Discs (Double Layer/Duel Layer) They hold approx. 240 min They aren't cheap, anywhere from $2.00 to $4.00 a disc. I got mine in Best Buy 2.00 ea. Use whatever programs you normally use to copy. JeriV
Bye DL Discs (Double Layer/Duel Layer) They hold approx. 240 min They aren't cheap, anywhere from $2.00 to $4.00 a disc. I got mine in Best Buy $2.00 ea. Use whatever programs you normally use to copy. JeriV