So, i was playing mkds and suddenly i realized that when drifting, it would stop drifting. so i tested it out, And i realized that somethings happened to my right shoulder button. its not that it doesnt click, But i have to give it ALOT of pressure to actually activate the button. What should i do? Should i open it up and try to repair it myself? I cant send it in, because it has flashme installed. What should i do? this has really put a damper on my parade
..... strange. just after i posted this, i started randomly pressing the button in certain ways, like pushing the rightside, then the middle of the button, and now its working fine =\ Lol
you can send it in if you have the stealth version of flashme installed. its not like theyre going to know.
Ahh, yeah thats the thing. I dont have the stealth version of Flashme, Boots directly, and doesnt show the health screen And...... so ive been playing with it, The button's pressure problem seems to come and go, but im worried that eventually it will stop working completely? What measures should i take to to prevent any further damage? should i open it and try to correct the problem? cant be anything too technical i assume? Oh, and does anybody have manual/pictures on taking the DSL apart? Any help would be appreciated
you can reflash your DS with the stealth version. i used to have the stealth version, but i didnt want a health screen so i reflashed it with the other version.
And i used to have the normal version, but reflashed to the stealth version when i traded for my DS Lite. (the store didn't know the difference)
It might just be some dust or dirt getting stuck in the sensor, which would explain why it works intermittently. You probably have nothing worry about. If you like, it'd probably be a good idea to open it up and clean out any foreign matter that has collected within the DS Lite.
ahh, yes thats what i want to do Are there any guides on how to open the dslite properly? i dont want to make a stupid vital mistake
I read i guide like 20mins ago that showed how to do it but I can't remember where...¬_¬ Just google 'DS Lite Shock Case Guide' or something, I know the guide was focusing how to replace the case of the DS Lite.