I just wanted to say that society is getting pretty lame. At my school when I was a freshman, the seniors would chant go home freshmen at the rallys. I could care less, but now that I'm a senior we can't say it anymore and if we do senior ball will be canceled. It is now considered hazing--how lame is that. It got banned because parents were complaining about it because somehow it scars their kids for life. Some people are just pathetic. And then I was watching Head Cases and before it came on it said Viewer Discretion Advised. For What??? They talk about sex for 10 seconds and we have to shield our kids from it. Come on. These court cases about saying the pledge of allegiance are lame as well. Who honestly cares?? If you don't want to say then don't fricken say it, it's not that hard of a concept. And the whole GTA incident was by far the most rediculous thing I have ever seen. You can kill people in many different fashions, blow crap up, do all kinds of stuff which yea does warrant a mature rating. But some hacker makes it so you can have polygon sex where you don't even see "anything" and they make it and AO rating and lauch any investigation. WOW...can anyone say MORONS. 95% of the people who own the game would have no clue how to even go about getting the sex scene and of the 5% who do 95% of them probably don't give a damn that they can watch two computer models having sex. This was blown so out of proportion, which further shows how stupid some people are and how lame society is getting. We try and shield our kids from so much stuff pretty soon they are going to be 20 before they even here the word sex!! Your kid isn't going to be scared for life if he sees a pair of breasts in a movie when he's 13. And he's not going to turn into a serial murderer if he watches a movie with "violence" in it. That word is so pathetic nowadays because a car chase where someone crashes can be seen as "violent" and we'll have to screen our kids from it and make sure they don't see it because if they do they are going to go rob a bank. That's all, i'm done ranting about how lame society is becoming.
The GTA scandal was the most ludacris thing i ever heard. I live in England and the game has an age 18 rating like porn movies do. So i dont see what the big fuss is if someone hacker unlocks a small part of the game which sees animated sex. It's up to the parents if they choose to decide what their kids watch or play and not the game developers. Most people saw the hot coffee as a joke but for the parents who refuse to let their kids see stuff like that well what was the point in having kids if theyre not gonna let them grow up.
I think it's funny that this game got so much bad press because of that mod. It is a pretty violent game, but have you ever played God of War? Non-stop blood and gore from beginning to end. Also, there are naked girls on that game without even modding it. Never heard any fuss over that one. Ever played the Suffering? Tons of blood and gore in that one too, but never heard any fuss over that either. Some 80-year old woman sued Rockstar because she bought the game for her 14-year old grandson without knowing it had that kind of content. First off, the big "MATURE" that's on the front of it should be an indication that it's not for kids. The title "GRAND THEFT AUTO" should be a dead giveaway too. Maybe she should have looked at the back of the packaging, that would have been a giveaway too. I don't know if the lawsuit actually went through, but it shouldn't. In fact most of these lawsuits shouldn't go through. Some dumbass spills coffee on his lap and sues McDonalds? And actually wins? I heard about this guy who tried to rob this house while the family was on vacation and got locked in their garage for 2 weeks and had to eat dog food. He gets out and sues the people. What kind of dumbass are you if you can't find your way out of a garage?? There's gotta be a way to open that giant door staring you in the face. Even if it was stuck or something, in 2 weeks time you should be able to find another way. Some guy sues the cable company because 10 years before he had his cable shut off, they stopped billing him but never actually shut off the cable, and his kids grow up to be fat lazy bastards. Will this ever end? Probably not. The people who should get sued are the people who make "reality" TV. That's what I think. Isn't reality TV an oxymoron anyway? Reality TV won't ever stop until we shut the TV off (and maybe the world will be a better place) because why hire actors for millions when they can get some schmuck off the streets for a few thousand bucks. So in order for that to stop we have to stop watching it. Sorry about the rant there, but I had to vent. Bad days seem to be quite abundant lately.