Anyone know why the save file doesn't work, when I load splinter cell and select the LINUX profile and just says Checkpoints and Levels if I select Checkpoints the screen turns black and I get a error message saying your Xbox needs service in like 8 diffrent languages and the number 21 in the top left side of the screen? But my xbox works fine plays games and everything, any ideas, also if I select level the background turns white?
did you make sure you saved both parts of the linux installer on your xbox? Because if you only have part 1, it won't work.
Hey...i softmodded my xbox with 007" Agent Under fire...when i try to go on xbox live it wont let me sign in, andthen when it asks me if i want to go to the trouble shooter i go to that, andthen error 21 shows up...please help me if you can...
im sorry to tell u guys this... but youre pretty much fucked. tha only 2 options that i can reccomend for u is an HD restore or Hotswap technique. i killed my xbox so believe me when i say GOOD LUCK!!!
yo, you guys all you have to do is create an iso of the evox dashboard and all the bios and evox.isi. I don't have a computer that can burn disks so i'm pretty much Skrewed
ugh i hate when people talk about this. it's simple. corrupted file. im not advertising or anything, but i got my linux files on there are 2 files, transfer them BOTH to your xbox through action replay
MY People Rejoice!!!! there is indeed an easy, and i mean EASY AS HECK!!! way to get your xbox back. Now i usually dont post on boards, but i had to post this message to everyone with the error 21 problem because i was going through the same crap by changing around .xbe files in C:/. Now i know that this may sound crazy, but the one CD that can fix all error 21 xbox problems is none other than........ The VAN HELSING DVD!!!!!! Thats right, this movie will fix the error 21 problem, so spread the word and tell everyone having the same problem. I know you people on this board are like, "HOW". Heres the deal, the movie has a demo of the game, and that demo has an update on it, that launches before the dashboard does, so you will get a dashboard replacement before the xbox gets a chance to give you the error message!!!, and you will still all your music, and saves!! how cool is that. this has to be the glitch of the year. Never the less, it works 100% so spread the word and rent that movie!! P.S credit goes to me Mumm-Rah "the ever living"
i have tried that van helsing and it didnt work. ive been tons of research on this error and how to fix and yet i still cant fix it. i have tried van helsing and slayers. i know im a noob and im new to xbox, but i just wanna get this damn thing fixed.
I got the same problem too. I got it to work by NOT using the memory card that came with ActionReplay! I went to bought Microsoft's official memory card and it works! Somehow, ActionReplay's memory card make the save files bad and that's why I got error21 with it.