soft mod idea

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by ksman13, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. ksman13

    ksman13 Member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I dont want to buy a chip if i dont have to. I just bought a hd from god deal btw. any how the hd is coming preset with a bunch apps and is actually ready to use all Id have to do is swap the hd and flash the mod chip. I think. the thing is I really dont know what im doing and what id rather do is just soft mod the new hd that way i could use the modded hd for backups and roms and the normal one for xbox live. but how doable is this? if i switch in the new hd will it work without a chip? how difficult/time consuming is hd swaping? thanks for any help also if you could point me towards a post or guide on hd swapping id really appreciate it thanks
  2. andres200

    andres200 Regular member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    the hd you bought will work like a normal retail hard drive if there is no chip or other bios than the retail

    the hard drive is already setup and everything so to swap like you want to it is as easy as unpluging one and plugging the other one in
  3. mess1

    mess1 Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    More mis-information. Don't listen to andres200. Someone needs to ban him. Or he just needs to learn to not post if he has no idea what he is talking about.

    This drive will definitely NOT work if you try to swap it into your Xbox with no mod chip.

    In order to get this drive working without a mod chip you are going to need to lock it first. Then, it has to have an exploit of some flavor or another installed. Since you mentioned that it should be coming pre loaded with some stuff then that shouldn't be a problem.

    If you are looking for a locking tutorial via a soft mod you can find one here:

    It sounds like you'll have to do a combination of the Part 1 and Part 3 of the soft mod tutorial there.

    P.S. I think I talked to you already about this via email but I thought I'd reply here and clear up any misinformation.

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