Softmod Hard Drive Replacement

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by micahman, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. micahman

    micahman Member

    Aug 1, 2004
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    Hey, I am one of the lucky ones who was able to properly soft mod their xbox and not end up with a large paper weight. My question is, I would like to put in a larger Hard drive in the xbox, but am not sure if my idea will work. I plan on copying all of the current hard drive info to my computer, and then replacing the hard drive with a new one. THen booting up the xbox with nightfire and FTPing the info back onto the new Hard Drive. Will the xbox boot without the original hard drive? Does my plan sound like it will work or am I wasting my money on a new hard drive. Give me some feedback on what you think. Thanks a lot.
  2. noneed03

    noneed03 Member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    I haven't done this myself yet, but I see 2 flaws to the plan you propose. 1)The xbox requires a hard drive with a specific file system structure and files in place to boot without an original disc inside, 2) You wouldn't be able to ftp using Nightfire because your softmod was housed on the old harddrive. The easiest method I have heard of involved connecting the new hard drive to PC and booting off a special disk and software to format the drive to xbox specifications. Look for xboxhdm or something similar in the usual places
  3. sjchu

    sjchu Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    I used the xboxhdm to restore my hdd after I screwed it up in an attemp to install xbox linux onto my xbox. Before you get to xboxhdm, you need the hdd key from your xbox. IF you can boot into Evox dash, then it is fairly easy to find and save your hdd key. Without that, you need to go into emergency linux and run a special program to extract it from the eeprom and write it down

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