Ok I can't get a straight answer anywhere. So I want to know is it possible to get my 300gb hard drive to work with just softmods. I have it installed and running but evox only sees 120gbs of it. If this is possible how do I break the limit. If not how do I make it so my hard drive ignores the rest and prevents hard drive corruption.
Thanks a ton for the offer. I figured it out slightly undocumented heh. So the trick was to install unleashx dash NOT the softmod deluxe dash which is what I was in. Format f and g drives using the unleashedx dash and password of Xbox. Then uninstall the softmod and reinstall with evox. Now everything works great. Also remember whoever reads this DELETE CACHE FILES IN E:/CACHE. Sorry for the caps but that stops the freezing of playing games after a new hd upgrade. Just letting some secrets I found go. Why everyone makes xbox modding difficult I do not know. Everything I did was easy even compiling my own xbox media center from svn wasn't too bad. I may and am thinking about making the ultimate xbox mod tut there is from the beginning to the end of everything I did. I think it would be more up to date and useful for people. I know there are several but too many cant hurt. Espeacially since everything mod chips can do so can softmods very easily. Im just going to combine everything into one section.