I softmodded my xbox with the splinter cell exploit. I loaded the evolution x dash to C: drive and backed up my MS Dash to E: drive. My question is how do I use both Dashboards. I don't see a multiboot option anywhere. When I load the exploit it boots to a blue screen which gives you the options of making backups, loading softmod, etc. I need to boot to MS Dash and then have the option to load the Evolution X Dash in case I need to FTP to the Xbox. Any help is appreciated. I used the exploit from Xbins SID Splinter Cell V2.0
you kind of did everything backwards. You should have installed evox to your E drive. then you should have made a backup of the MS dash to the E drive as well. The original MS dash (not backup) should be in your C drive. This way, your default dashboard will load up to evox and you can choose to go to the MS dash from there. Hope this helps
Yes teak you are absolutely right ….but what does this have to do with hard mods?? Here’s the soft mod forum http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/120
Okay so I am in the wrong forum. SORRY! So if I cut on my box and do a restore MS Back up to C: and then re-install the softmod and then Evox to E: correct so far? Which drive does the box boot from E: or C: because if you leave the MS dash on C: it will always boot to it. How to you get the box to boot to E:? Like I sated before I don't see a multi-boot option.
Maybe your SID Installer is too old! You should have an option prior to installing the softmod asking you if you want to "Dual Boot" to retail! Get the latest SID and try again!