softmod help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by blade003, May 2, 2006.

  1. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    i am using the first splinter cell game to help me softmod, i load up the files using the action replay but when i load the game up and try to load the installer the screen just goes blank and does nothing for ages, can someone help. Also if anyone has a link to the splinter cell files that you know definetly work could you please sate it.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2006
  2. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Blade all you need to do is go to google and type in SID v4.0 i dont know if you'll need a torrent of some kind to download it.
  3. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    i have done this and have transfered the files but it says customer surpport and the LED flashes red

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    It is possible that your Xbox's kernal is too new so it may not work. You may need to find an alternative way to mod your Xbox and there are a couple!

    PS. I did say [bold]may[/bold] for all those people that would like to say something else.
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  5. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Seems to me that you made the M$ dash your default dash and now it can't be found. The XBE use to be named xboxdash.xbe after your soft mod it was renamed msdash.xbe you'll need to put Splinter Cell back in so that you can get to the AID screen, FTP into your Xbox and edit the INI file to reflect the new name of the default file msdash.xbe
  6. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    i have used SID 4.5 and it does not say this anymore but it now has a black screen with a orange LED
    i don't have a softmod on my xbox at all it is a completly unmodded one

    How would i have made the xbxo dash my default dash
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2006
  7. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Check your AV cables and believe it or not some installs require that you use the RF adapter, you won't be able to use AV cables until after the mod is in place. I distinctly remember reading that from one of the install PDFs on the AID v3.0 disc.
  8. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    but i am using SID v 4.5
    this is what i do
    get the SID files copy them straight to memory card (action replay)
    copy the files to the hard drive
    turn off xbox
    turn on xbox wait for the dashboard to come up
    put in splinter cell
    select Linux
    select checkpoints
    and then the black screen comes up, this happens when i try it on 2 different games and different xboxes both with the correct dashboard version
    please help me
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2006
  9. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    I did the exact same steps as you except, I used SID 3.1 Final and it worked like a charm try it instead...
    Last edited: May 5, 2006
  10. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    blade003 when you were trying to get back to the ms dash did anything happen to your xbox i.e it switched off. If so then your xbox is confused on witch dash it should load up. But you can still play games and if you have the correct version of SID that works then you should be able to just patch the old ms dash and then your xbox should be working just fine after that. But if you cant play games then i do not know what to suggest as i got the same problame on my other xbox and i couldnt load any games so now its just sitting in a very dark corner.
  11. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    everthing is exactly the same when i turn off the xbox because nothing is happening, it does not turn off by its self and plays like a normal xbox when i turn it on again, it still plays games and everthing it is surrposed to do. Do you guys think that it is because i have the action replay that has the GAME (store) logo on it, maybe it is corrupting the files.
  12. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Blade003 you need the linux installer to be a large file and it needs to be a swirl. Also the splinter cell file needs to a picture of sam fishers face or 3 green dots for it to work properly.
  13. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    the linux installer has a swirl and the sp save has a swirl and in that group there are thre green dots
  14. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    The file you copy to your hard drive is 3 green dots? Also how big is the linux installer.
  15. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    about 5 megs it isn't just 3 greren dots it has a symbol aswell
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2006
  16. IhaveAtv

    IhaveAtv Member

    May 2, 2006
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    then thats the wrong installer i could send it to you if you give me 2 mins
  17. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    ok thanks

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