I was modding a friends xbox with the Splinter Cell exploit and SID 4.0. I loaded the files onto Action Replay and then onto his xbox. When loading the game save, the screen turns black and the LED ring turns orange. No the game is not a Platinum Hits version. The exploit is NTSC not PAL. I have downloaded the exploits from different places. I have put each save on seperately so Action Replay does not compress it. Could anyone tell me where they got their exploits from? Also any help would be appreciated to why this is happening and how I could resolve this problem.
nope .... all dash all kernal and all xbox versions work with this sid. your game save exploits are currpted... i belive ar does this sometimes.... but that is what it is ... solid orange led and black screen for a long time.... try downloading aid 3 and then using its sid 4.5 or try a new source of downloads ... such as mininova or search the net for sid 4... remember xbox-hq made it so go to their site.
Yeah I know I go on xbox-hq.. Posted same topic got your help . I've tried AID 3, megaupload, and iso hunt. I guess I'll just try a different Softmod Installer.
as long as you can transfer the files w/out getting currpted by ar then your gold... so it doesnt matter on what installer u choose... if ar currpts it then its no good. your going to have to find out how to get it working just trial n error ... erase mem card formate it or w/e try things out