Is there anyway i can restore my xbox to retail. I get error 16 everytime i turn it on and it won't boot discs i also have a modded xbox if i could use that in someway could I just put the softmodded HDD in the modded xbox and run my slayers evox disc and restore it like that?
my modded xbox plays everything the softmodded xbox won't read any disk right now. im assuming thats because the clock needs to be set. but I want the softmodded xbox the be restored to original.
hmm.. just leave the chip xbox alone. Error 16 means xbox can't not set clock. something happened to ms dash. now it won't play original games. Do you know about PC? have you ever build one?
ya i have many times but some more background about the softmod i was trying to do it with splinter cell and it messed up before that then i pluged the xbox out and now it gives this error.( by messed up i mean wouldnt install the dash) but before i pluged it out it could load discs and 1 more quick question. if i was softmodding is their someway i could use the slayers evox disk to softmod the xbox if it does get fixed? sorry to jump ahead just curious
The next to fix your xbox is hotswap. But you need to download ms dash first. Follow that link, then click on Home, then look for "download xbox file" and read under it. there are 2 address. Copy the to the address bar. and download the msdash.
Before do this tutor, you have to uninstall all the old softmod files include the linux files in memory. So your xbox became virgin again. Then do this tutor
ok i dont have an action replay so can i just transfer the saves 2 my modbox then save 2 a mem card???
my theory is to put the softmod HDD in to the modchip box then restore it with slayers evox v.26 when it's done i'll put in back into the softmod xbox do u think that will work??
No. - the hdd on softmod xbox is lock. So modchip xbox will not read it. - if you try to unlock it, then modchip xbox will read. But softmod xbox will not read it because it is unlock. - Then you use modchip xbox lock it. Softmod xbox still can't read it.