softmod screw up help cant get into xbox dashboard

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by krazytt, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. krazytt

    krazytt Guest

    i softmoded my xbox but as soon as i restarted it it was in an other language it doesnt go to the dashboard but if i play a game it will play it help me
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    put the game you used to softmod with back in and remove the softmod.
  3. krazytt

    krazytt Guest

    thanks sorry for the real late response

  4. jaigle

    jaigle Member

    Sep 7, 2006
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    I have the ssme problem loads my games but not the dash?? and its softmod, but the softmod is turned off tho.. and when i go into unleash with the game dosent give me an option to remove mod.. just gives me
    HELP!.06 pr .07,nkpatcher .06,nkpatcher .07,Dashborad settings...
    but none of the patchers work, i get a error Batch process failed.. last item was:.. Action:rename
    only thing i can access is the dash setting.. but this is a bllue screen with a bunch of things and say my hard drive is locked.. and i been tryin to hot swap it and it wont unlock i guess:S.. but i thought it was unlockin since my pc picks it up and everyting...
    so i unno whats going on
  5. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i have no clue never had a problem where it would load a game but not the dash.....

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