softmod versus hardmod

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by spartan99, May 6, 2006.

  1. spartan99

    spartan99 Guest

    I have had both.... I just sold my hard mod cuz i could do the same with my softmod and i also could use the web with both they sell switchs for hardmods. they reason i sold it cuz it was a waste of money to me cuz i softmodded and it does the same thing who cares if you have a hard mod or soft cuz so what if you can remove the softmod just install it agian like come on who is going to pay 200+ dollars for a hard modded xbox when they can pay like ten and softmod it with a hacked game save.

    OV3RLORD Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Very well said. I have had a soft mod for a while and I'm going to stick with it!
  3. xBMODSx

    xBMODSx Guest

    you actually can do more with hard mod but it isnt much you have a good argument there there really is not difference!

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