Softmodding gone wrong

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bbeallo12, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. bbeallo12

    bbeallo12 Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    Hey I need some help.
    O.K. I softmodded my exbox with linux and splinter cell. And before I new what all of the files were I went poking around the Xbox file explorer. Now i am not sure how it happened exactly, but I think I might have accidentally deleted some importent files. Now I want to make a bigger harddrive but i don't have the eeprom.bin the ms dash and other files that 'm not sure about. My xbox still works fine but it has to be softmodded to work. i tried downloading the normal files from an unmodded xbox but when i tried to renstall the softmod it would not work. Can someone please help me out here cause I am really lost.
  2. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    I'm a bit confused on what is happening right now. You're saying it's working right now but it needs to be softmodded to work? That doesn't make any sense.

    Obviously you're using splinter cell to mod with.

    I have a few questions.

    Do you have the splinter cell exploit that allows you to backup your eeprom and ftp to your xbox?

    Which splinter cell exploit did you use?

    What exactly did you delete?

    How did you get the game save to your xbox?

    Usually the eeprom is saved in the E:\udata folder under the specific game code. Also sometimes it's saved in the backup folder on either C: or E:. You should check those locations.

    Splinter cell would be E:\UDATA\5553000c or E:\UDATA\21585554 (This seems to be an extension folder for splinter cell)

    You can use SID 5 to backup your eeprom. Just download that file and transfer the files from both the and to your memory card. Then transfter it over to the xbox and load sid 5.

    -Select the first option Backup/Restore Features

    -It will load a screen, if you select backup eeprom it will back it up in your E:\udata\5553000c folder (i'm not exact on this, i don't have splintercell). If i were you i would choose the option to backup to e:. It will then create a folder named "Backup" on your E: and it will be easier to find.
    -Ftp into the xbox and grab the eeprom.

    If you want to mod your xbox with my files there's a link in my sig at the bottom of my post. Or you can make a new (bigger hdd) using these files as the C in xboxhdm.

    If you have any questions let me know.
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Just passing thru. I've always found the eeprom file to be in E:\Udata\2xxxxxxxxxx\0000000000000\Backup

    (that's where it is whenever i do a backup via Auto Installer Deluxe anyway)
  4. bbeallo12

    bbeallo12 Member

    Sep 30, 2006
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    OK what I ment was that my Xbox is softmodded right now. But that is not the problem. I want to be able to put in a bigger harddrive. But i don't have the eeprom.bin. If I try to uninstall the softmod I won't be able to because a don't have the backups to return the xbox to its original state. If I do unstall it it would not work because it would have the dashboard. The only way I can get it to work after that is if I put the splinter Cell disc in and let the auto play run the disc. Then I have to reinstall the Softmod to get a dashboard that works. But I don't have an eeprom.bin because i don't have anything to backup.

    I used the linux softmod deluxe from xbins
  5. corn

    corn Guest

    Oh, theres nothing wrong. You just need to load the Splinter Cell exploit, and click "Backup EEPROM". Then FTP the Xbox to the PC, and FTP the eeprom.bin file to wherever you saved it to. Refer to C4RN1, and Creaky's posts to see were it is saved.

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