I checked out this site: http://blogtuts.gameportalonline.com/2005/11/08/soft-modding-your-xbox/ They say that if you softmod your xbox that there is a risk that you could screw up your xbox. What is the chance of this happening? What kind of things will it do to my xbox?
well nuthin much,just delete your old green dahsboard and well not have a working xbox at all is the most extreme but thats only if you delete the mod before you restore the ms dash
Well, if you are not smart and can't figure anything out w/ electronics...you probably shouldnt try. So many dumb people (well lil kids who are inexperienced w/ the world i guess) try to softmod, they dont know how to do a step so they start deleting stuff. I would read through the directions first, if you dont understand a step, then I would leave the xbox alone and go to your computer and ask someone what to do. If you dont know where to ask, there are plenty of sites I can give you if you want. Either pm or a mod will have to give me permission to post a few sites that I know of. I hope this helps a lil...sorry for not being specific and not giving sites (which would prolly help A LOT!)