Can someone please help.......after waiting weeks I received my M3 ds real yesterday, only to find it came with NO software I have contact the seller and they sent me this link but i have been trying download software but it times out. is they any other site i can get this from? thanks gameboyir
Try - or another good software is Sakura, this is a hacked Japanese version but a lot better to use you can get that from Enjoy
Please help me!! Like yourself i have been waiting 2 weeks for a m3 ds real for my son, it arrived today but with no software!! m3adapter not working so tried the recomended site then also tried linfoxdomain but i have no bloody idea what im doing. It says to extract this & copy that but i am unable to do anything. I knew i was a bit naive when it comes to pc terms but this is ridicilous and bloody fustrating. I see you got yours going in the end, any chance you could give me a step by step playschool translation of what to do.
If anyone is still having trouble theres a collection of all the different firmwares.
From there or from the link I provided earlier, you would get the most recent firmware. Whichever one has the highest version number. Seems fairly obvious.
For an Mr real get software 4.1a (the latest) when you have saved it to your hard drive un zip it (right click on the downloaded item and select unzip. You should have a system folder, put this (complete) on to the sd, right click on the sd (not on the system folder) select new, folder & name this NDS (NOTHING ELSE) put the roms in here, put into the DS and away you should go.