my mums got a starviewbox super i think, and she keeps loosing channels keep getting new codes and it goes of again. Someone told me there is a software you can put in box and it fixes its self automatically can anyone help please
That depends on what firmware you already have, If its current and it keeps going off you will have to wait for a fix Pain in the ar*e but what can you do
Use the link at the bottom of my post, select the correct box and the latest firmware is there for download as is full instructions on how to do it. All current firmware still works it just may be that your mum's box didn't get updated firmware when it was available. To find out what firmware is on the box press menu/system information with the remote.
ive been trying for ages now computer doesnt recogonize bin files tried to download it but it wont let me can you help me pls
What do you mean the computer doesn't recognise bin files? It doesn't need to. If it is a starview super then you have the wrong file. Let us know exactly which box she has and I'll give you the direct link for the firmware for it. Have a look at this post as it shows the cables you need
If you are sure that it is Starview 2 The Box then this is the Firmware you are looking for okay, just download it to your Desktop, you will need to Unzip so use the link for Winrar to do so if you need it, you will have to install onto your PC okay. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Box Firmware and Loader. (Says The Box top Left hand side front of box) so make sure that it is that model SV. Now if you have not flashed a box before then click on the link marked Eurovox for a graphical guide of what you need to flash the firmware onto the box (different box same conectivity) - Then click on the link Starview for a tutorial - and also you should have a look here at this guide (Ignore the BIN file shown as that is for Starview 1, but it is the exact same procedure). Seeing as your new to flashing I suggest that you get to or the loan of an old laptop or standalone PC that has the correct 9 pin port - it will save you a lot of headache.