Software suggestions for the clueless?

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by kazoo, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. kazoo

    kazoo Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    While waiting for the delivery of my first digital camcorder, I have been trying to learn a little about what software I need to just do the basics. The prevailing opinion seems to be that the software provided with the camera, a Canon HF200, is pretty lame. All that I think I need to be able to do, at first anyway, is:

    * Acquire files from camera
    * Excerpt portions of files into discrete parts
    * Combine separate files into a single file/video
    * Transition smoothly from one scene to another
    * Burn files to DVD so that they are easy for anyone to view
    * Maybe convert files from one format to another?

    As you can tell, I don't even know the correct terminology yet! Is what I've outlined about the minimum to get started? Anything obvious that I'm missing? What type of software do I need? Will one app do it all? Can you recommend specific program(s) that will get the job done without too steep of a learning curve?

    Any help, suggestions or direction offered will be appreciated.

  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    it depends on what format your camera video files, mp4/mpegs2/avi.

    womble mpeg video wizard dvd handles a wide range of video files and won't reencode mpegs. It has transitions/titles/second audio tracks etc.

    videoredotvsuite is a pure mpeg editor it has frame accuracy and won't reencode the video. The quality of the copy is the same as the original, very fast program.
  3. kazoo

    kazoo Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Thank you! The Womble app doesn't jump out in the ratings and reviews I have found but it is consistently mentioned by users. That is probably the best recommendation of all.


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