What is the best software to record keystrokes - I found one that looked good, has anyone used it before it is this one http://downloadkeystrokes.tripod.com
If you live in the US, I'll go ahead and let you know now, there is NO law backing up a person using key stroke recording software. It's illegal. It violates the Constitution.
Doesnt seem to stop employeers from logging employee's IRC/MSN/Yahoo/AIM conversations. Granted this isnt tecnically logging keystrokes per say, but it is still logging. http://www.guyanaundersiege.com/Single Pages/Privacy.htm#keystroke - FBI okayed to use keylogging software in a case. IF keystroke recording is illegal here in the US, then why do we have companies being allowed to monitor ie record their employee's computer activities? Why do we have parental control software packages that allow parents to record and track their children's keystrokes? Or for that matter, public schools using monitoring software? Monitoring software has the ability to log every single keystroke a user makes and as far as I could find, there's no law stopping it from doing so or preventing the user from using said software.
google is your friend, there plenty of programs out there like this, some are cheep and some are more costly, depending on what or who you are trying to find out where they have been or what they are saying, the good programs stay hidden so the person who is being watched will not know they are, unless they know anything about the system they are using, a lot of parents us this type of software to keep tabs on there kids, also some husbands use this to find out where there wives have been or vice a versa, if you think your kids, wife,girlfriend, or whim ever is diong something wrong the best thing to do is just ask them, and have trust, if you don't have trust you don't have anything
Here is 145 of them. Some free, some not. http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?tg=dl-20&qt=keylogger&tag=srch There is nothing wrong or illegal with putting a logger on your own system. The problems come up when you put it on somebody elses system.
I use keyloggers myself for my own use - when typing an important paper or when I used to write my C++ code. Matter of fact, dont some programming languages coding programs ie Borland C++ have built in keylogging features so assist in tracing/debugging? Again, I say It is not illegal to install/use keyloggers. Its what your doing with it that lends to legality.
Actually, in a number of countries, keyloggers are illegal, no matter what their use. The US is a big example, same goes for the UK *got implemented together with the new law on Denial of Service attacks*, and several other european countries.
@ Fiend: That case would be interesting. Kodak as an a example put loggers on every system tied to their network. They took away admin rights and to load program needed their blessing which could take months. Naturally it was easy to put those restrictions behind you, example I just used pc anywhere and talked to my home computer when needed. Why is it that they can use loogers and I can't on my personal computer? Good luck goverment telling me what I can or can not load on my own system. No disrespect intended. I look forward to reading your posts! To mods: I know this is off topic but if they can do it so can I as long as I do it on my own personal system. Goverments can go to hell if they start telling me what I can and can not load. I think im getting a little sick of the internet.