Sorry not looking for a PSP or anything of the such. I am selling my unwanted/unneeded belongings to get some cash to finish building my PC.
Sorry but no. $100 is a riduculously low offer for what I have for sale. As the iPod is still under warranty I could return it for a replacement now and get another "like new" direct from Apple. The iHome dock itself is worth $100.
@diz09 If your not serioues about purchasing the items do not bother posting. You've done the same thing in other threads of mine and it has become annoying. I have reported your post(s) to the mods on the basis that you just post them to mock me.
150 shipped i already deal with you one time you sold me a black 30gb ipod i don not know if u remember so 150 and i send you the money through paypal