I'm thinking of buying a wireless soldering Iron.But should I go with battery powered or gas? This are the ones that Im thinking of getting. Cold Heat Soldering Tool http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/tools/69d3/ Weller®/Portasol® Super-pro Self-igniting Butane Soldering Iron Kit P2KC Self Igniting Butane Soldering Iron Kit at http://www.action-electronics.com/weller.htm#Butane I only solder PC Stuff, car stereos and wires.Witch is a good size for a tip?
I have been soldering for many years now, and have always used corded irons. Don't get the cold-heat iron, its a piece of absolute crap. My neighbor has one and I tried it...its a poor excuse for an iron. I keep a weller butane iron in my toolkit in my car, and it works pretty well. So if you must go wireless, the gas irons are MUCH better than the battery ones. As far as brands go I'd get either a Weller, Edsyn (very good irons...meets mil spec) or a Hako.