When soldering a GC, does the wire coming from the chip HAVE to be touching the the part that u soldering it to? Or can it just be touching the solder or the mealted metal?
The basic idea is that you get a small amount of solder on the iron and with the wire touching what it's going to solder to, heat up the metal of both with the iron and add solder as necessary. Only use a small amount of solder, since using too much could create a solder bridge and it'll then need to be desoldered (vacuum or braid, both are a pain in the *** really) or if it's a small bridge, cut with an xacto knife or razor blade. On a side note, I've recently learned that PS2's are a nightmare to mod. I got a Duo2 SE and it has literally diminished my confidence in terms of soldering. Might just be my crappy iron, but still...
DO NOT let solder touch or splash on any other part that you don't need it to. This will definitely cause you problems.