hey im 16 and i wanna learn how to solder,i was thinking of doin little projects,so i wanna buy those small soldering kits from canadian tire there like 20$,any ways what do u think i should do?and any links to lil projects i can do,at the end i hopefully wanna be able to be a pro at soldering motherboards and stuff like that ,and adding LED lights
check this site out http://www.interq.or.jp/japan/se-inoue/e_solder.htm and here http://www.irational.org/sic/radio/solder.html and here http://www.circuittechctr.com/guides/7-0.shtml The soldering is the basic work for electronic circuit engineering. I will introduce the tools for soldering below. The sufficient attention is necessary during work, because soldering handles a high temperature. Pay attention to the handling of the soldering iron sufficiently, because it becomes burn, fire more, carelessly.
get some scrap motherboards or circuit boards & desolder all the components carefully than resolder them back on the boards. that is how i basically learned how to solder then getting on the job experience & training at different companies like celestica & camelco.
ya im thinking off doing that with my old pc,but i was wondering can i attach led lights to make them light up when i turn on my pc?like how would i find the souse of the power flowing to attach it at the right point
the leds use 5 volts to works. also they are polarized so that they only work 1 way & not the other way, so if in reverse they don't work.
Very informative topic and i would also like to learn about soldering for my own personal projects. I was also wondering can anyone tell me what advanced topics are discussed in college as an electric engineer if one were to major in that?
Sniping, check out active surplus on queen street west southside between city tv & spadina ave if it is still there. they have/had a mechanical 5' gorrila out front. egomaniac, i was at devry back in 80-81 studing as a electronic technologist. didn't finish as school screwed up my osap. a friend who graduated from devry in the late 90's said as we worked at celestica that i knew more about electronics than the recent grads working there.
two things that are a must... as the solder must be removed..to remove the components... when i work on a mother board the iron i use is no more then 40 watts or less. one solder braid,on the right and a solder sucker
solder has to be for electronics\electricity not for copper pipes. use a weller solder station that comes with stand & iron. don't use a solder gun unless doing a lot of wiring.