hi, I got this super usb box from my friend.I think it is starview4.some of the channels are not working. I have tried factory setting,scanned the provider, 1570 and key is on.but still some channels are not comming up.
thanks mate, thanks for your response.I have already tried this 4-5 times.problem is asian channels and some s*y channels are not working.sorry,I am not a technical person ,what do you mean by emu.Is it related to turning the keycode on or something else.I got two types of cable provided by vir**n.Brodband wire is upstairs and cable for t.v channels is downstairs.If there is any splitter that is outside the house somewhere.I narrated your advice to my friend on phone,and his box is working perfectly alright.He only got brodband connection from vi**n.Is that the reason or something wrong with my box.I will really appreciate for your further advice.
yes emu is the same as the key code did you do a full factory reset on your box ?? do you have splitters on your incoming cable ?? if you have bb upstairs how is it connected to the system and how is the tv connected is it the same cable they used for both ?? If it is disconnect your BB for the amount of time it is going to take you to do that scan on your box after that you can put your BB back on