I've succeeded to softmod my xbox and upgraded the HDD to 200GB, however, i found that some storage on the HDD is missing, i can find only about 137GB overthere, but the rest of 63GB seems missing, so how can i see the rest or use the rest of them?
This is beacuse your BIOS support only that much. you need to flash your BIOS with the one that supports Bigger HD. Since you have softmod i cant really tell you what to do coz i dont know how (i think u cant flash BIOS) to flash BIOS using soft mod but i hope someone else might be able to help you. you need XBTool to edit BIOS. BIOS its a .BIN file and its usualy 256k, 512k or 1024k Hope that helps
the standard bios will only support up to 137gigs, then u need to edit or patch ur bios to enable all of the 200gigs
Thanks for replies!! My fd told me that i should use Slayer to format the partition G, but im just wondering if i have to burn it into a cd and run on my xbox..Also, I have no knowledge on how to flash the bios and im just scared i will screw it up my xbox!! any help???
well first ur gunna need flashFXP to send the bios to ur xbox. and u want the f drive on ur HD, not the G. most opf ur space will go to the f partion. u need to patch ur bios to read all the space.