I am rather new to video editing and, apart from that, my needs are really moderate. I just need to be able to: Cut clips downloaded from my camera without recompressing them. Merge a few clips into one without recompressing. These are the most important things, but there is also one more question. How to accelerate the rendering. When I compress 1 hour of camera video (13GB) into DVD (4,5GB) it lasts for over 7 hours (PIV 2GHz, 512 RAM). What are the key computer hardware/software elements that would let me do one hour of video in max 3 hours. This is driving me mad. I use Pinnacle Studio, but with Premiere it's the same. If I add some colour correction or other effects, the ratio is even 10 hour of work per 1 hour of video. Thanks in advance, I hope you are not irritated by my newbie question. Mike
bump up your ram!!! the more the better, and what kind of processor is it, cuz if its a celeron you better upgrade for real!!
o i c you have a pentium 4, thats GOOD!!! get more ram. lots of it! 7 hours to convert a movie is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!
Seven hours isnt horribly unreasonable all things considering but RAM will certainly help followed by a CPU/Mobo upgrade (bu 2Ghz P4,even if its a NorthwoodA, isnt horribly obsolete yet so you may want to wait unless you reallyare itching to spend some money heehee)